Saturday, December 1, 2012

Legalize Marijuana?

                 Should marijuana be legalized? I am honestly dumbfounded as to how this has even become a topic of consideration…not to mention the fact that marijuana has already been legalized in Washington and Colorado. I’m sure you can already see what my standpoint is, but there are facts about the use of marijuana that everyone should be made aware of.
                 First of all, I realize I am not an expert on the subject; but I will cover some points of concern I learned about while researching the subject. Marijuana is highly addictive and its cons FAR outweigh the pros (if those even exist). There are also drugs already on the market that do the same job that marijuana is believed to do. Even if there wasn’t an endless list of the negatives of marijuana, there would still be absolutely no need for it because there are already drugs for the same thing.

                 The health risks of marijuana? I’ll name a few: 
· Highly addictive 
· Can cause permanent memory impairment 
· Results in a compromised immune system 
· Hallucinations 
· Delusions 
· Disorientation 
· The risk of a heart attack for those that use marijuana is four times higher within the first hour after smoking
·                        Research has shown that people who use marijuana can experience some of the same problems that tobacco smokers do. These include daily productive cough, more frequent chest illness, a higher risk of a lung infection, and also obstruction in airways. 
·                        Not to mention the short term effects: memory problems, learning problems, loss of coordination, inability to problem-solve, increased heart rate and reduced blood pressure, distorted perception, and in some cases, anxiety, fear, panic, and distrust.
                Keep in mind the fact that the health benefits people are hoping to find from marijuana are already available in other drugs, and also consider all the health risks of using weed that outweigh any pros there may be. It’s logical to deny any “need” for the use of pot. Call me crazy, but I believe it’s crazy to even consider legalizing marijuana. 


  1. Recently, one of my classmates wrote a blog post titled “Legalize Marijuana?” in this post she told of Colorado and Washington D.C. passing laws legalizing Marijuana. She goes on to show the negative effects from using Marijuana, while also showing, yes Marijuana, in some cases can help the overall health of a patient, but also showing that all of these effects can be achieved through legal prescription drugs. I couldn’t agree more, I don’t understand why it is necessary for it to become legalized, ever. Although, legal or not, if people want to smoke weed, they are going to do it no matter what the case may be. I also wonder if Marijuana was legalized how many people would actually do it? I feel like some of the reasons, at least for teens, is because it is illegal and they want to rebel.

  2. On December 1, my classmate wrote a blog called Legalize Marijuana? In this blog, the author talks about how marijuana shouldn't even be up for debate on whether is should be illegal or not. In my opinion, I don't think it really matters if marijuana is legalized. I feel that people really only smoke it because they want to feel "rebellious" because it's illegal. The more marijuana is illegal, the more people are gonna smoke, but if it becomes legal, then those people who once smoked it, might not do it as much as before. I, too, am not an expert in this drug, but from what I've read, marijuana seems to only effect the person who smokes it. If that's the case, I don't see why it's a real issue to the world. It causes health problems to the smoker, and if those people claim it "relaxes" and "helps" them, then why should we stop them from feeling that way? Even if marijuana smokers were to smoke more if it became legalized, I don't feel it matters.In the end, those smokers know the consequences and get to decided on their own whether or not they want to keep smoking and whether or not they want to hurt their bodies.
