Friday, November 16, 2012

Ruling with an Iron Fist

               What a post! I couldn’t agree more with my classmate’s blog entitled “Dissent and Coercion.” The perfect description of our U.S. government: “a corrupt, double dealing, thief, stealing from the poor and the middle class to make their rich buddies richer, passing crippling and invasive legislation that contradicts and disposes of the constitution, all the while lying to the American Public to promote its own agenda of greed and world domination.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. While these claims my come across as aggressive and harsh, is it not true? It most certainly is true.

                It seems people are becoming increasingly numb to the reality of U.S. government’s growing control over our lives. Rather than just focusing on the protection and overall wellbeing of our country, government has become a domineering entity solely focused on how much of our lives they can control. Who cares what we want? They make us do whatever they want us to. They force laws and requirements on us whether we like it or not. They alone choose what children are taught in school, whether we agree with what they teach or not. They tell us what to do and when to do it. They tie our hands and give us no options. Our government has strayed from the Constitution and tried to take on so much more than they should be allowed. Why can’t we just stick to the way it was in the beginning? It worked well then, and it would work well now.

                We need to become more aware of the governments control, and we need to stand up for our own rights when we can. We need to get back to the basics, and the government needs to be put right back in its place.

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