Friday, October 5, 2012

Romney Deflates the President

               Where is all the buzz about the Presidential Debate that took place this week? As is the trend, it’s all over the internet and the news, and opinions are being given as to how well or how bad the President, and the Presidential candidate did during their debate on the night of October 3rd.

                The majority of polls claim that Mitt Romney easily won the debate, and looked very impressive. Everyone knows my political stance and who I support. I am a Conservative; but that is beside the point. No matter what political party you are, what all of those who tuned in to the debate saw was, I believe, very obvious and crystal clear; In agreement with Peggy Noonan’s article, Romney was confident and professional. He looked presidential and he acted the role as well. Obama appeared passive and even uninterested, rarely even making eye-contact with Romney. He couldn’t even look at him for more than 2 seconds before turning his gaze back to his notes. He seemed lazy and he said the same things over and over again.

                I don’t believe I’ve seen President Obama act that way before. Romney gave him a run for his money, and as Peggy Noonan writes in her article, “Stay that guy!” Her article in Wall Street Journal is entitled “Romney Deflates the President,” and I agree with her; that’s exactly what he seemed to do! I don’t know what the future debates hold, and I’m sure President Obama will come out swinging now that He’s been embarrassed, but I also believe Romney will come out swinging as well; just like he did during the first debate. Romney has some people worried, let’s keep it that way!

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