Chick-fil-A is well-known for having been founded on biblical beliefs. Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A, has voiced his agreement with the biblical principle that marriage was established to be between a man and woman. In BBC’s recent article on the matter, Mike Huckabee is quoted: "The goal is simple: let's affirm a business that operates on Christian principles and whose executives are willing to take a stand for the godly values we espouse by simply showing up and eating at Chick-fil-A.” Those who believe in same-sex marriage took statements like these made by Huckabee and others as personal attacks on their beliefs. They were never discriminating, in fact, Chick-fil-A’s even hire gays and lesbians; they were merely stating their beliefs. Though discrimination was never the intention, the discussion on the topic lead to the following events:
Supporters packed Chick-fil-A locations everywhere on “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” in support of “traditional” values. It was an opportunity for them to voice their beliefs and show their support of a restaurant that isn’t afraid to stand up for what it believes in. That’s it.
The following Friday, same-sex marriage advocates were seen gathered outside of different Chick-fil-A’s on what they called “Kiss Mor Chiks” day. It was their way of protesting.
What are other reasons we are divided as a nation? This article is a good read and great example of how our nation becomes divided so check out the link.